Useful Information for ND Families

Notre Dame High School Parent Info
View Your Child's Report Card on Parent Portal!
Stay Connected with ND
Stay Connected with Parent Portal, School Messenger, & School Cash Online
Stay Connected! - all this info in one doc for easy sharing
If your child is registered at ND, then you are already set up to receive emergency and attendance messages by phone or email. However, if you would like to receive other messages such as school updates and newsletters, you must sign up to SchoolMessenger and set your notification preferences. When signing up, you must use the same email address that you provided to your child’s school at the time of registration. Anytime you update your email with the school in Parent Portal, you must sign up for SchoolMessenger using your new email address. For more information, click here.
The OCSB Parent Portal is your gateway to information about your child’s schooling. It’s the place for parents to:
view and print report cards
check that your child’s school has your current contact information
view your child’s class schedule
track your child’s high school credits
In the future, you will also be able to access support materials, applications and forms within the portal.
If you have not registered for a Parent Portal account, follow these instructions!
Notre Dame uses SchoolCashOnline - a safe and convenient online banking program for ALL school based expenses (field trips, team fees, special events, yearbooks etc...).
Convenient - Make secure payments 24/7 from the comfort of your home
Easy To Use - Online shopping with various payment methods
Safe - Your child won't be carrying cash or checks to and from school
Saves Time - Manage your school expenses and view payment history in one place
Step 1 - Register by selecting School Cash Online from the Quick Links listed below
Step 2 - Add a student
Step 3 - Pay for school expenses & print the receipt if you want a physical copy (the school does not require a copy)
PRESTO Card Information
PRESTO Card Information
Notre Dame does not have yellow buses. OSTA provides students PRESTO Cards if they live within what would normally be a yellow bus boundary. If your child receives a PRESTO card, it is very important that they register their card and record their login information in a safe place in the event that they lose their card throughout the school year. It is family responsibility to purchase a replacement card. They can be purchased at Shoppers Drug Mart for about $6.00. Once you have the replacement card, please follow the steps below.
You can check here to see if your child is eligible for a PRESTO card.
Please note that the boundary distance changes once a student enters grade 9 and they may no longer qualify for a PRESTO.
Go to and click on, "Create a new PRESTO account". (If you already have an account, click, "I'm a PRESTO user", "Sign In" and skip to step seven)
Enter your email two times and click "Next". On the next screen, click "Send Verification Code" and then go to your email to check for that code.
Enter the code and click "Verify Code". When it says your email has been verified, click "NEXT".
Create a password and enter it twice and click "Next". IMPORTANT - Record your login info someplace safe in the event you forget your login username or password.
Fill out the form and click "Create Account".
Click, "Go to Dashboard"
Click on "Add Card" under my products.
Enter the card number and the verification number on the back of your card and click "Next".
The card is now registered. Log out.
Instructions to replace a registered lost card
Buy a new card
Go to a Shoppers Drug Mart and buy a new card for $6.00
Ensure that the store clerk activates the card before leaving the store (important!)
Do not register this card.
Go to and click on, "I'm a PRESTO user", and "Sign In".
Once you are logged in, you will see a list of your registered card(s). Click the card you are reporting lost/stolen from the current school year.
Report a lost card
Once in the card's transaction history, click "Report Lost Card"
Under cancel and transfer your card balance details, select the option titled, "Cancel and complete a transfer later"
You need to confirm the card selected is the one you want to cancel.
Transfer balance (school board pass) to the new card
After you complete the steps above, on the next screen, click on, "Transfer Balance"
Select the option, "Transfer your balance and details to an anonymous card "
Enter the new card information and follow the remaining prompts.
Wait 4-7 hours and tap your card on any PRESTO device to update the replacement card.

TOP MARKS Uniform Information
School Uniform Info
Notre Dame is a uniform school. Families can purchase uniforms any time of the year from Top Marks.
Visit the Top Marks website, click the red, "Shop Now" button, and log in with your existing account or create a new account. The school password to create a new account is: NOT01.
Top Marks Uniform Letter - June 2023
ND also has a uniform shop called "New To Me", which is run by parent volunteers. When this shop is open, students are able to purchase donated uniform items for $10/each (cash only). We cannot guarantee sizing or conditions as this shop is solely run on donations.
If your child has any uniform items that no longer fit, you can donate them to the school at any time.
Catholic School Council
The School Council is comprised of the school Principal, and members representing:
Teaching Staff
Community Representatives
All parents/guardians are welcome to attend and join - we value your input.
Please see the invitation link to attend in the Principal's Update emails.
2024 - 2025 School Council members
Chair: Natacha Ruiz Tardif
Vice-Chair: Lori Goodyear
Secretary: Ann-Marie Haley
Treasurer: Natacha Ruiz Tardif
CSPA reps:
Teacher Representative: Patrice Jacobson, Mark Johnson
Non-Teacher Representative: Ann-Marie Haley
Student Representatives: Stephanie Chukwu
Principal: Jean-Paul Cloutier
We are a volunteer group of parents, community members, teachers and school administrators who work to make Notre Dame High School a welcoming, supportive and caring environment for our children to learn and grow. We invite all parents and guardians to join us!
At our meetings we learn from the Principal and teachers about the curriculum and programs at the school, as well as developments at the Ottawa Catholic School Board and at the Ontario Ministry of Education. We also hear from Student Council about all their exciting - and creative - initiatives to help maintain a high level of school spirit. The parishes that make up the Notre Dame family of schools and our local community representative helps us keep abreast of local issues and developments. We discuss all these issues and offer input from the parents' point of view.
Through our fundraising we help to support student-oriented activities and facilities for the school, such as awards, library supplies and student teams and trips. Join us at our popular International Potluck during Education Week in May, and bring your favourite dish to share.
The School Council needs your voice, your input, and your contribution to making the school better for all students, including yours!
Council Meeting Dates
Meeting Minutes
September 12 @ 7:30pm in person
October 9 @ 7pm online
November 11 @7pm in person
December 19 @ 8:00am in person - breakfast with staff
January - No meeting
February 5 @ 7:30pm in person
March - No meeting
April 9 @7pm online
May - TBD
June - TBD
Board-wide Parent Organizations
Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA)
The Ottawa Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) is a volunteer group representing all OCSB parents. They are a resource for school councils and the parent community for information on local and provincial education issues. Through their website, social media, and email newsletters, they provide updates on education in Ottawa & Ontario, as well as tips, resources and information to help parents support their children in school. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join their e-mail list, follow them on social media @OttawaCSPA, and register to attend their meetings or events via EventBrite.
OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
The OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is a provincially mandated committee made up of parents, a trustee, the Director of Education, an elementary and high school principal, and other school board staff as required. The purpose of PIC is to support, encourage, and enhance parent engagement at the school board level to improve student achievement and well-being. PIC is a subcommittee of CSPA, and parent members are appointed by CSPA.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The OCSB’s Special Education and Advisory Committee (SEAC) makes recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils.